Sunday, October 17, 2010


So sometimes I will just post things that I think are cute or funny pictures. here is one for today, this was found by April, she is always using the *facepalm* notion in skype conversations and in her forum posting.  


I found this yesterday when I was looking on Google images trying to find a picture of a rice filled bear that you microwave as a heat pack (heh, my friend April didn't know what I was talking about when I told her I filled a sock with rice to microwave it to keep me warm, so I was trying to find her an example) , and THIS came up, and I was all "OMG ITS SO CUTE!!!" :

ITS THE MOST GORGEOUS BABY EVER! And look at it eating rice <3 <3 <3 

April's reaction to this picture was "ITS SO MESSY....My OCD is kicking in". Heh, typical April. 
But I think it is just gorgeous. I would let it be as messy as it wants xD

Super Junior Discovery (Korean Boys Band)

So for a while now I have liked "K-pop" or in other words "Korean Pop Music". My interest in this genre of music started off when I discovered an actor and singer, Rain (also knowns as Rain Bi, or Bi Rain). He was very attractive and I loved his music xD. And then gradually I found another band called SHINee which was more of a "Boy Band". SHINee has five members, so it was quite different to the single artist Rain. After I discovered SHINee I then sparked a curiosity to investigate further and I looked up other Korean boy bands. Thats when I came across BEAST/B2ST , 2PM , MBLAQ and Super Junior. Although I didnt really get into Super Junior or the others as far as knowing the band members, I just listened and enjoyed their music.

So today, I watched a video on YouTube of one of super Juniors live concerts of their song "No Other", and I managed to narrow down my two favorite members from watching that video. I didn't actually know any of their names, but I got my best friend who isn't so noobish as me to tell me what their names were based on what time in the video my favorite member was performing in center stage.

The two I narrowed it down to are called Siwon and Kyuhyun. And then i saw this picture of Siwon and BAM....i was totally gone, how could i RESIST?! :

And so now I have officially discovered who my favorite member is ^^ And I think I chose well xD Oh and here is the video of the live concert that I watched to be able to determine my favorite member: 

To watch in high definition click here

Art of the Day #3

(click image to view full size) 

This photographic art titled "It's tea time now" is a piece by kaneko-yue, displayed on Deviantart.  The artists states "Some tiny cute things I bought at Bat Trang, Ha Noi, Viet Nam."
I love this picture so much, it is adorable. The lighting and the angles this tiny tea set is placed in make the shot really cute and beautiful. The delicate, fadey effect does wonders to the composition. And then the typography going across the middle, is a lovely touch and in the perfect position. 
This tea set must be so tiny! The background is really excellent, just those blurry light splodges work wonders and helps to bring out the focus on the tea set more. Overall this is a really cute piece, and really well thought out and executed. 
Well done to kaneko-yue, keep up the amazing work <3 And here you can find the link to the original in Deviantart, and you can view kaneko-yue's other works to: Link to original in Deviantart

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Art of the Day #2

(click image to view full size)

This work, titled "Celestial Fruit" is an artwork created in oc and Photoshop by artist minix on Deviantart. 
I came across this piece while randomly browsing Deviantart and I was so drawn to it. I had a really good look and was absolutely amazed. This piece has such a wonderful 'warm' feeling to it, and a lovely atmosphere. The concept is very original, and I really wish I had a huge canvas painting of it to hang on my wall. The colour, lighting and tones used really give this piece such a nice vibe. I feel really happy when I look at this! 

The woman is really beautiful, and my personal impression of this is of a woman who is one with nature and really welcoming. And the fruits in the bowl, because they are over her stomach gives me a feeling like perhaps they are twin babies she is pregnant with. 

The artist's impression of this artwork is as follows: "I was trying to capture that moment when someone suddenly appears in your field of vision and you can really only see their silhouette because your eyes haven't dark-adapted yet. That kind of mysterious, disorienting feeling when you want to see more, but your eyes just won't let you." 

This is a truly brilliant piece of work and I wish minix the best of luck in the future with creating more original and beautiful pieces . Here is the link to the original image in Deviantart, and you can also view minix's other works: Link to original in Deviantart

Friday, October 15, 2010

Art of the Day #1

(click image to view full size)

Well, this is my first Art of the Day entry! 
Here we have the cosplay photo called "Double Trouble", a cosplay of Jessie and James from Pokemon's Team Rocket. This is by cosplayers Malro-Doll and Ryoko, with the picture being displayed by Malro-Doll on Deviantart. I found this piece while looking for interesting cosplay pics on Deviantart, and was absolutely amazed by this! 
Honestly, I was showing all my friends this and they were all "WOW" about it to. It is truly one of the best cosplays I have ever seen. What makes this cosplay so good is the detail in the costumes (especially the wigs) and the lighting when this photo was taken. I am sure that this cosplay sets the utmost standard for  Jessie and James cosplay, I doubt anyone could do any better than this. A fantastic, well thought out cosplay piece, with absolutely no flaws and wonderful cosplay creation. 
Here is the original link to the image on Deviantart, where you can also view Malro-Doll's other pictures of this brilliant Team Rocket cosplay: Link to original in Deviantart

Thursday, October 14, 2010

"Art of the Day"

Introducing, my new idea! To have a new artwork or picture each day that I write about what I like about it and where I found it etc. For anyone with a deviantart account, feel free to contact me in regards to if you would like me to display one of your works on my blog as an Art of the Day. 

I am looking forward to sharing all the gorgeous artworks I love and pictures I adore! <3 

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Osh D:

Its been waaay to long since I last posted...
Well, since then, lets see..
I joined the anime/manga networking site called Otaku Zone, its ok-ish. I actually visited Mangafox again, haven't been there in ages. 
I am also wondering what the heck all the interest in Twitter is? I mean REALLY. We dont WANT TO KNOW when a celebrity is using the TOILET >_> Yes, I find twitter pointless to say the least. 

Bf is on the mainland starts again on Monday and i am REALLY not looking forward to it. I still have a head cold which just doesnt seem to leave....
I decided to cook a really HEALTHY LOOKING cake in an attempt to not need to share it with all 5 of my brothers....HEH. Fat chance that was, I guess there is no getting past the appetites of 5 growing boys (woah, i just sounded like a granny then...."growing boys" wtf IS that O_o). So yeah the cake will be devoured pretty quickly I reckon. 
Im loving the song "Let me love you" by Mario atm....perhaps jsut because my Bf said he thinks about me when he listens to it <3 *girly mushiness alert*. 
I am behind on a lot of assignments, and procrastinating all of them thoroughly.... 

Monday, July 12, 2010

Speech Night Dress Hunting....OLD STYLE!

I have begun the search for a dress to wear to my end of year "formal" (actually it is called speech night, and it is our schools version of a formal for the grade 10 leavers).

But i don't want one of those typical run-off-the-mill dresses made out of shiny material that all the girls wear. None of those tarty, cheap looking taffeta dresses from all those fashion outlets that are always featured in soppy girls magazines like Cosmo and Girlfriend *SPEWS*. I want something DIFFERENT and UNIQUE that i will actually remember. 
So, i decided to have a VICTORIAN ERA STYLE DRESS :D .
My Oma makes lots of awesome funky shabby chic dresses out of doilies and lace and random stuff, and she has recently exhibited in galleries her clothes, or rather, altered couture.
So i am planning to ask her to make me a dress, and Mum said if i supply her with a pattern and material, me mum and oma can make me a great old style formal dress that will really be unique and blow people away <3

I am looking forward to it! ^^ (and i also tried on mums wedding dress and HER formal dress, lol, the sleeves were to short and my chest wouldn't fit, hahaha)

Friday, July 9, 2010

Games :D

Two creatures battling in the Greek cityImage via Wikipedia
To my surprise as I was watching Erik scroll through his list of games on his pc, i saw the LEGENDARY black & White 2 (yesh, TWO :D) to which i was ecstatic, and asked if i could also have it. So he gave it to me and BAM. I am completely hooked on it <3

Black & white was created by the same guy who has recently developed Project NATALL for the Xbox 360, which is coming out later this year *EXCITEMENT* :D he is, simply put, a sheer genius <3

Black & White 2Image via Wikipedia
Check out the epic screen shot. I have a giant wolf currently <3

There is nothing better than playing a game where you control a giant beast with your godly hand (yes, you are a GOD in this game who controls the world :D) and construct towns while eating a lovely bowl of rice <3
Enhanced by Zemanta


I cut myself with the razor! D: it shtings.....;___; 
So I am heading into town now to collect my boyfriend for the weekend. He is six months younger than me (LOL), rather tall, skinny (perhaps to skinny.....I must FEED HIM :D), black straight, rather "anime" spiky hair, blueish greenish eyes and freckles. We share a lot of interest and are best friends as well as a romantic couple. My two best friends tease him a lot, they reckon he is gay and girly.......for the record, I dont have any problem with all types of sexuality, i say, if you love 'em, who cares what gender they are? xD

Despite that he is coming over for the weekend........Callum bought some FIFA game for the, he decided to host some FIFA xbox party with 4 of his friends (THATS RIGHT......there will now be TWELVE of us in the house tonight) that may become all a little hectic, ill have to hide in my room with my Bf ;D 

Should i make really long posts, or short, more frequent ones? I it better to compile them all in one long one? meh. 

As far as friends go I have basically two best friends, lets give them the alias's of Aliana and Kirsty. Aliana is from the Philippines (which i did NOT know existed until i met her >_>....yeah....i am geographically challenged) and I have now a huge want to go there with her :D Kirsty is from South Africa.....and I must say, i am NOT so keen to go there with her >_> Dangerous, dangerous place that is from what she has told me (AND AFTER I WATCHED THE STUPID DISTRICT 9 MOVIE....I NEVER WANT TO SEE JOHANNESBURG EVER AGAIN! ;___;). We all go to school together and atm things are good between us. Oh and we play badminton together in a team for school.

Okies I will keep getting ready now to go collect the Bf.....*sigh*......period pain >_< ;___;


Back at my mothers house today ^^ Which equals heaps of fast internet :D (we do a one week on, one week off schedule between mum and dads houses, change over is on fridays >_>)

My family...well I will keep it relatively brief. 

My immediate family:
Mother - Maike  (German) (occupation: Nurse, makes herbal remedies and creams)
Father - Cary (Australian) (occupation: IT dude, works for the Wilderness society)
Brother 1 - Erik (14 years old)
Brother 2 - Oscar (6 years old.....yes, me and him have quite an age gap) 

And now it gets a little complex, you see, mum and dad are divorced (for how long? i or two or maybe three years? meh.) and mum is now engaged to a man called Ian, so here is what Ian brought along:

Ian - (age? 40 something...) (occupation: Scientist at the antarctic division, does stuff with whales :D....also has a PHD, and is a mathematician >_> i fail so bad at maths..........ANYWAY)
Step-brother-to-be #1 : Callum (14, Erik's best friend......well that turned out dandy, didnt it? if i could make my best friend my step sister, heh, it would be super)
Step-brother-to-be #2 : Ethan (unsure of age...he is around 10 or 11 i think.....maybe 12?)
Step-brother-to-be #3 : Lemuel (about 8 or 9 i think) 
So because Ian is now engaged to mum, they decided to rent a house together. So of course now there is mum, Ian and all of SIX KIDS in the house.....of which, i am the ONLY GIRL >_> 
Yes it does kinda suck, at times. But hey, i have my own room and i usually hide in there from the chaos anyhow. being the eldest and the only girl does get me some extra bonuses though, like extra money and food etc. 

My dad is now ALSO engaged, he proposed to a woman called Felicity, who is really nice, an out door kinda person with a lot of life, she is good for dad. 

My dad lives on a property of 20 acres , and up the property a bit my grandmother (Joy, dads mum, age...60 something) got a shed built as her 'house', so she lives there. 

My other grandparents, are my Oma and Opa (yesh, German term for grandma and grandpa) who live in Brisbane. My Oma's name is Erika ( just turned 60 i think, or she is like 59) (and NO, mum did NOT name Erik after her, it is pure coincidence) and my Opa's name is Theodore, though people call him Theo (early 60's). I love my Oma and Opa so much, they are very 'cuddly' grandparents i guess, i feel really comfy around them and Oma is so much like mum it is hilarious :D

Then of course there is mums only sibling Ilka, who is an archaeologist who lived in Egypt for 8 years (and sent me email pics of mummies she dug up......which was MOST disturbing >_>) who is married to an arabian man called Alan. They have an apartment in Darwin.

I then havetwo uncles who are dads brothers, Glen and Rob. Glen is somewhat a loner, has no current girlfriend. Rob is with a lovely girl called D'nelle, she loves cats.  Both live in Queensland somewhere.

And that is about it. I will mention though that i am a LOT more familiar with mum's side of the family, i get warm vibes from them.
A Coton de Tulear making the famous "Fren...Image via Wikipedia
I have HEAPS of relatives living in Germany, from Oma and Opas families. Including, two GREAT grandmothers who are still alive and pumping xD Great Oma Hilda and Great Oma Emi, one from each side of the family. There is to many German relatives of mine to go into, but i thought the two great grandmothers deserved an honorable mention ^^

And of COURSE< there is my baby Basil, who is my gorgeous Coton de Tulear dog, i love him so muches <3 Checky the EXAMPLE (no, that is NOT actually Basil.he is CUTER than that <3) pic above of a Coton De Tulear........go google for cuter pics xD

So there we have it, my family. I mentioned them so it is easier for you to understand who is who when i mention them in my future posts xD
Enhanced by Zemanta

Thursday, July 8, 2010


AHAH! Take that laptop, you are now fully charged..eheheh. >_>

Well I think this whole blogging thing is quite nifty.......even though i realize a lot of people do not want to hear other peoples random shit...I TOTALLY UNDERSTAND >_> I will not go and romanticize my "random shit" by telling you it is any different from everyone elses....but hey, what can i do? I am just a "normal" (yeah, right >_>) person, not some uber famous superstar that EVERYONE wants to know about...chances are, no one will even read my blog ^^ BUT THAT WILL NOT STOP ME D: I am determined to write this blog anyhow, if not for everyone else, but for myself, to keep track of things...electronic diaries are SO much less effort to update xD
NOTE: I HATE egotistical being a pessimist is no good either, we should appreciate ourselves for who we are, but yeah, NO EGO. Trust me I have experienced enough ego'ness in my lifetime from people around me to make me want to run away from them while screaming like all those poor people in the game Assassin's Creed (well duh..if you see someone get assassinated, what ELSE are you expected to DO?!).....well that is my random bit of info about me for the day.

And seeing as I live in the lovely giant island AUSTRALASIA.......(that is so much COOLER than "AUSSIE") it is now time for me to that will be all for today <3 (I know it is early...i have a cold...and my brother is booting me off the lappy...*KILLS BROTHER*) (and no, he is NOT to young to DIE....14 is fine enough to end ones life, especially via sibling assassination xD)

~ Ciaos! ~

FIRST BLOG......congrats to me?

We-ell......This is all rather new, i must say. This is my first time attempting blogging, i am dearly hoping there is no 'right' way to do it, otherwise i am screwed xD I got the sudden urge to try out creating a blog when i finished reading the graphic novel "Confessions of a Blabbermouth". So here i am. ^^ Im going to write about interesting things in my day to day, to keep a sort of online diary (and hopefully not bore you all to death >_>). Thats all for now because this lappy is on under 10% power :S